Once sure, from the bottom of the window we select the command Folder Size as we can see in the image below. This window is separated in four different tabs, where we must make sure that the General tab is activated. Once the Data File Properties command is selected, the Outlook Today (E-Mail Account) Propertieswindow appears as we can see in the image below. Once the shortcut menu appears, we select the command Data File Properties. Then we select the E-Mail Account needed with our mouse and then do a right click on in order for the shortcut menu to appear as shown in the image below. In the image below, we see the Home tab of the Outlook 2016 application and at the left corner of the window we can notice the three different E-Mail Accounts that exist. There are two ways in order for us to check out the Size of our Mailbox and which will be described below: Outlook doesn’t only lets us check out the Total Size of it, but we can see the Size of each Folder within it. Many times we want to check out the size of our Mailbox in Outlook.